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Papa Hōlua

The rising of the Makali‘i (Pleiades star cluster) in the heavens over Hawai‘i signaled the arrival of the Makahiki season for Kānaka Maoli and a time for renewal, regeneration and celebration. Sport in ancient Hawai‘i not only brought pleasure, excitement and competition, but also built the strength and athleticism that might be needed if the return of Kū called for nā koa (warriors). One particularly exciting and daring pastime among Kānaka Maoli was riding the papa hōlua or hōlua sled. This ancient sport, similar to tobogganing, tested ones balance, strength and courage by hurtling the prone rider, headfirst, down a steep snow-less decline atop a sled that was usually less than twelve inches wide. An article in the Hawaiian-language newspaper Ka Nupepa Kuokoa from 1865 warns:

Ina hoi e kahuli ka papa i ka wa e holo ai, o ka make no ia o ke kanaka i ka niao o ka papa. Ua oleloia mai, ua like ka holo o ka holua me ka holo ana o ka lio holo loa. A ma ia paani, ua lealea loa na kanaka, he eha nae a me ka make ka hope oia hana.*
If indeed the sled flipped over during its running, it would mean the death of the rider by the edge of the sled. It was said that the running of the hōlua is like a fast horse. Much pleasure was brought by this sport though injury and death were sometimes the ending.

Runways for the sleds were usually covered with a bed of stones, which was then topped with a layer of dirt, and finally grass or leaves. The top layer of leaves and the runners of the sleds were sometimes greased with kukui nut oil to increase the speed. Hōlua slides were built in various steep spots throughout the islands. Early writings mention famous slides on the hills behind Kamehameha Schools, throughout Nu‘uanu Valley, Pu‘u ‘Ōhi‘a (Tantalus), Pūowaina (Punchbowl) and atop Kaimana Hill (Diamond Hill). Perhaps the most famous run, preserved in part today as an historic landmark, is the slide at Keauhou, Hawai‘i. Oral histories speak of this slide having been built by Kamehameha I for his son Kauikeaouli who was born at Keauhou.

Several mo‘olelo carry the histories of epic hōlua battles. One story describes a famous fourteenth-century hōlua contest between Pele and Kahawali. This young chief of Puna, well known for his excellence in sledding, defeated Pele and incurred the wrath of the volcano goddess by mocking her.

A revival of things Hawaiian and modern celebrations of the makahiki have brought newfound interest in the sport. A surviving sled from ancient times known as Lonoikamakahiki has been used by modern artisans to construct new sleds that allow a current generation of riders to experience this ancient pastime.

*Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. Kekemapa 23, 1865 page 1-2.

Location: Bishop Museum
Collection: Hawaiian National Museum Collection
Artifact Number: 00320


Wao Kanaka > Lonoikamakahiki > Hōlua

A short video that follows Tom Pōhaku Stone in his reconstruction of a hōlua sled and his reintroduction of the sport to Hawai‘i’s children.

Image from Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii. Images are not to be re-used without permission.

Man demonstrating the use of a Hawaiian Hōlua sled.

Pan Pacific Press Photograph

Collection: General Photograph Collection
Call Number: E.C. Hawaiian. Recreation. Sledding.
Location: Bishop Museum Archives

Image from Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii. Images are not to be re-used without permission.

Sketch by Henry Kekahuna of “The Famous Royal Holua, or Slide, at Keauhou, North Kona, Hawaii.” November 15, 1953.

Collection: MS Group 312: Henry E.P. Kekahuna
Call Number: Map: 50-HA-D3: 5

Image from Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii. Images are not to be re-used without permission.

Games and sport have always been an integral part of Hawaiian life. In traditional society pa‘ani kahiko (ancient games) were numerous and extremely popular. These games actually came to the forefront of everyday life during the yearly makahiki festival that spanned approximately three to four months. The time of makahiki meant the arrival of the god Lono and the setting aside of the god Kū. Warfare and other activities of Kū ceased and the land, and its inhabitants, were allowed to regenerate, procreate and grow anew. This was a time of le‘ale‘a (pleasure) when many games and contests were held.


Physical Sport

Some of these games that were played were physical sports. These contests were not only used as arenas where the strong and swift could attain recognition and fame, but they also served to train the many warriors who might need to be called upon later in battle. Ancient mo‘olelo record many contests of sport ranging from kūkini (running), he’e hōlua (sledding), he‘e nalu (surfing), lele kawa (cliff jumping) to hākōkō (wrestling), mokomoko (boxing) and many others. Games such as ‘ulumaika (rolling disks), moa pahe‘e (dart throwing) and ‘ō‘ō ihe (spear throwing) required a steady hand and a trained eye. The more formal of these contests during the makahiki would take place at a designated kahua pa‘ani (sporting area) with the wooden staff Lonomakua watching over the contestants. Not only was a contestant being judged, but the glory or dishonor of the family name was on the line. The victors of these contests were heralded throughout the islands. Many of the most heroic stories of the gods involve these battles of strength and speed.


Games of the Mind

Kānaka Maoli were also passionate about games of the mind that rewarded the player with the quickest and sharpest wit. Recitation of genealogies, proverbial sayings and knowledge of hidden meanings in phrases were some of the most admired of Hawaiian skills. Word games and ‘ōlelo nane (riddles) were favorites. Another verbal type of duel ho‘opa‘apa‘a, could be seen as an extreme verbal sport as a loss in a contest could mean death. Kōnane, a form of checkers, was another game that challenged the mind. This was often played on boards of stone with alternate sets of black and white pebbles. Some more elaborate sets contained carved figures as men.


Procreative Games

Procreation was the basis for the earth itself and was considered a natural gift of the gods. Games to encourage procreation were especially prevalent during the makahiki. ‘Ume (to draw towards or attract) and kilu were two varieties of this sort of game. Like the other games and sports mentioned, accounts of ‘ume and kilu can be found throughout the ancient mo‘olelo. One well-known incident is the game of kilu played by Hi‘iaka, sister of Pele, and Lohi‘au, an ali‘i of Kaua‘i.

Boxing match before Captain Cook. Ink and watercolor by John Webber, ca. 1779 [the actual event took place on January 28, 1779]. (56×98.5 cm)

Collection: Art Collection
Call Number: Webber
Location: Bishop Museum Archives